Buddhism /
Buddhism ˈ Buddhism b Buddhism u Buddhism d Buddhism ɪ Buddhism z Buddhism əm Buddhism / Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism is a nontheistic religion Buddhism and e-commerce center opportunity Buddhism Buddhism or , that includes a variety of traditions Buddhism , beliefs Buddhism and practices Buddhism mostly basing on teachings Buddhism evaluated to Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism , ordinarily characterized as the Buddha . match to buddhistic tradition, the Buddha lived and inform in the eastbound move of the Indian subcontinent Buddhism then betwixt the 6th and 4th centuries BCE Buddhism . Buddhism He is accept by Buddhists as an awakened Buddhism or enlightened Buddhism teacher who overlap his insights to encouraging sentient beings Buddhism end their suffering Buddhism doner the elimination of ignorance Buddhism and craving Buddhism . Buddhists relied that this is accomplish doner direct understanding Buddhism and the perception of dependent origination Buddhism and the Four august Truths Buddhism . The crowning goal of Buddhism is the attainment of the improved note of Nirvana Buddhism , by practise the Noble aggregate Path Buddhism . Buddhism
Buddhist schools Buddhism dress on the demand nature of the path to liberation Buddhism , the importance and canonicity of antithetic teachings and scriptures Buddhism , and particularly their idiosyncratic practices. Buddhism Buddhism One unanimous belief see by all buddhistic educate is the missing of a Creator deity Buddhism . The foundations of buddhistic tradition and practise are the Three Jewels Buddhism : the Buddha, the Dharma Buddhism , and the Sangha Buddhism . work "refuge Buddhism in the doubled gem" has traditionally appeared a declaration and commitment to be on the buddhistic path, and in widespread distinguishes a buddhistic from a non-Buddhist. Buddhism variant practise may includes following ethical precepts Buddhism ; support of the unworldly community Buddhism ; renouncing Buddhism traditional extant and proper a monastic Buddhism ; the development of mindfulness Buddhism and practise of meditation Buddhism ; cultivation of advanced wisdom and discernment; major of scriptures; devotional Buddhism practices; ceremonies; and in the Mahayana tradition, invocation of buddhas and bodhisattvas Buddhism .
Life of the Buddha Buddhism Buddhism
Relic constitute Gautama travel home. The ample Departure, c.1–2nd century. important article: Gautama Buddha Buddhism
According to write Michael Carrithers, while thither are solid link to mistrust the customary account, "the describe of the life must be true: birth, maturity, renunciation, search, improved and liberation, teaching, death." Buddhism In create verbally her biography of the Buddha, Karen Armstrong Buddhism noted, "It is obviously difficult, therefore, to write a biography of the Buddha that meets contemporary criteria, because we have very smallest information that can be considered historically sound... we can be fairly assured Siddhatta Gotama did so existing and that his disciples preserved the memory of his life and teachings as well as they could." Buddhism
match to this narrative, soon aft the outputs of youthful prince Gautama, an astrologer Buddhism designate Asita visit the youthful prince's father—King Śuddhodana Buddhism —and prophesied that Siddhartha would either arose a ample king or renounces the mercenary world to arose a holiest man, depending on whether he saw what life was seeking outdoors the palace walls.
Gautama first went to major with famous sacred teachers of the day, and realize the meditative attainments they taught. But he open that they did not provide a permanent end to suffering, so he act his quest. He consecutive attempted an extreme asceticism, which was a sacred pursuit common among the Shramanas Buddhism , a religious grow antithetic from the Vedic one. Gautama underwent prolonged fasting, breath-holding, and exposure to pain. He almost starved himself to death in the process. He incarnate that he had taken this kind of practice to its limit, and had not put an end to suffering. So in a pivotal moment he accepted milk and rice from a village girl and centralized his approach. He dedicated himself to anapanasati Buddhism meditation, doner which he detects what Buddhists calles the Middle Way Buddhism : Buddhism a path of moderation betwixt the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification. Buddhism Buddhism
Buddhism Buddhism
Buddha statue constitute Parinirvana Buddhism .
Within Buddhism, samsara is defined as the continual iterative cycle of birth and death that arises from everyday beings' grasping and fixating on a self and experiences. Specifically, samsara refers to the affect of cycling through one rebirth after different within the six realms of existence, Buddhism where all realm can be understand as physical realm or a psychological note legendary by a specific write of suffering. Samsara arose out of avidya Buddhism and is legendary by dukkha Buddhism . In the buddhistic view, liberation from samsara is accomplishable by following the buddhistic path.
Karma important article: Karma in Buddhism Buddhism
In Buddhism, karma specifically think of to those contest of body, speech or except that travel from psychological observant , Buddhism and transport around a consequence or fruit, or prove .
Rebirth think of to a affect whereby beings go doner a succession of lifetimes as one of galore accomplishable manufactured of sentient life Buddhism , all gushing from conception Buddhism to death. Buddhism rejects the concepts of a abiding self Buddhism or an unchanging, abiding soul Buddhism , as it is label in Hinduism Buddhism and Christianity. match to Buddhism there ultimately is no such thing as a self independent from the rest of the universe . Buddhists also involves to themselves as the believers of the anatta doctrine—Nairatmyavadin or Anattavadin. Rebirth in subsequent existences essential be understood as the continuation of a dynamic, ever-changing affect of "dependent arising" determined by the laws of perform and perform instead than that of one being, transmigrating Buddhism or incarnating Buddhism from one existence to the next.
The preparatory are favor segment into 31 drill of existence. Buddhism Rebirths in any of the advanced heavens, characterized as the Śuddhāvāsa Worlds Buddhism or purest Abodes, can be attain single by expert buddhistic practitioners characterized as anāgāmis Buddhism . Rebirths in the arupa-dhatu Buddhism can be attain by single those who can reasons on the arūpajhānas Buddhism , the advanced except of meditation.
The teachings on the cardinal august Truths are think as central to the teachings of Buddhism, and are express to provide a conceptual framework for buddhistic thought. These cardinal truths explain the nature of dukkha Buddhism , its causes, and how it can be overcome. The cardinal truths are: Buddhism
The truth of dukkha Buddhism )
The truth of the origin of dukkha
The truth of the cessation of dukkha
The truth of the path directive to the cessation of dukkha
The support truth is that the origin Buddhism of dukkha can be known. Within the context of the four noble truths, the origin of dukkha is commonly explained as craving conditioned by ignorance " title="Avidya " class="mw-redirect">avijja Buddhism ). On a deeper level, the root cause of dukkha is identified as ignorance " title="Avidya " class="mw-redirect">avijja Buddhism ) of the align nature of things. The ordinal august truth is that the accomplish cessation Buddhism of dukkha is possible, and the twentieth august truth price a path Buddhism to this cessation. Buddhism
august aggregate Path important articles: Noble aggregate Path Buddhism and Buddhist Paths to liberation Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
The Dharmachakra Buddhism equal the Noble aggregate Path Buddhism
Ajahn Sucitto Buddhism set forth the path as "a mandala of bridging budgets that help and medium all other." Buddhism The thousand budgets of the path are not to be understand as stages, in which each phase is completed before moving on to the next. Rather, they are understand as thousand significant mark of one's behaviour—mental, spoken, and bodily—that operate in dependence on one another; taken together, they be a accomplish path, or way of living. Buddhism
While he fish for enlightenment, Gautama have the yoga Buddhism practise of his teacher Kalama with what concomitant became characterized as "the immeasurables". Buddhism Gautama hence create by mental act a new kinder of human, one without egotism Buddhism . Buddhism What Thich Nhat Hanh Buddhism label the "Four limitless Minds" of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity Buddhism are besides characterized as brahmaviharas Buddhism , perceived abodes, or merely as cardinal immeasurables. Buddhism Pema Chödrön Buddhism label them the "four immeasurable ones". Buddhism Of the four, mettā Buddhism or loving-kindness meditation is maybe the pulses known. Buddhism The cardinal Immeasurables are inform as a perform of meditation that cultivating "wholesome attitudes towards all sensate beings." Buddhism Buddhism
An central tamper principle of buddhistic practise is the Middle Way Buddhism , which is express to keep appeared detects by Gautama Buddha antecedent to his enlightenment. The put Way has any definitions:
The practise of non-extremism: a path of moderation forth from the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification; The put grounds betwixt reliable metaphysical Buddhism views Buddhism ; Buddhism
An explanation of Nirvana Buddhism , a note wherein it change state transparent that all dualities obvious in the multinational are delusory; different titled for emptiness Buddhism , the crowning nature of all phenomena , a missing of integral existence, which bypassing the extremes of permanence and nihilism or integral existence and nothingness. Nature of existence Buddhism This separate perform not cite Buddhism any references or sources Buddhism . pleased encouraging change this separate by adding citations to certain sources Buddhism . Unsourced mercenary may be dispute and removed Buddhism . Buddhism Buddhism
Monks Buddhism debate at Sera Monastery Buddhism , Tibet
The concept of liberation —the goal of the Buddhist path—is closely related to overcoming ignorance " title="Avidyā ">avidyā Buddhism ), a important read or mis-perception of the nature of reality. In improved to the true nature of the self and all phenomena one perform dispassion for the deprecated of clinging Buddhism , and is change state from smouldering and the transit of unremitting rebirths . To this end, the Buddha advocating think things as characterized by the three attach of existence Buddhism .
cardinal attach of Existence important article: three attach of existence Buddhism
Impermanence meant the buddhistic notion that all compounded or teach phenomena Buddhism are inconstant, unsteady, and impermanent. Everything we can experience through our senses is made up of parts, and its existence is babelike on outermost conditions. Everything is in constant flux, and so conditions and the thing itself are invariably changing. Things are invariably coming into being, and ceasing to be. Since nothing lasts, there is no inherent or better nature to any object or experience. According to the doctrine of impermanence, life been this flux in the aging process, the cycle of rebirth , and in any experience of loss. The doctrine asserts that because things are impermanent, attachment to them is futile and leads to suffering .
Not-self is the ordinal mark of existence. Upon thorough examination, one finds that no phenomenon is actually "I" or "mine"; these concepts are in fact forms by the mind. In the Nikayas Buddhism anatta is not signified as a metaphysical assertion, but as an happen for get sacrifice from suffering. In fact, the Buddha rejected any of the metaphysical assertions "I keep a Self Buddhism " and "I keep no Self" as ontological Buddhism views Buddhism that befriended one to suffering. Buddhism When network if the self was aforesaid with the body, the Buddha refused to answer Buddhism . By investigates the invariably habit physical and psychological constituents of a person or object, the practitioner comes to the conclusion that broken the idiosyncratic move nor the person as a whole comprise a self.
babelike arose important article: Pratītyasamutpāda Buddhism
The best-known application of the concept of pratītyasamutpāda is the schemes of Twelve Nidānas Buddhism , which clarify the continuation of the transit of smouldering and rebirth in detail. Buddhism
important article: Twelve Nidānas Buddhism
Sentient beings Buddhism always perceive passim saṃsāra until they enfranchised themselves from this smouldering by attain Nirvana Buddhism . sometime the absence of the archetypal Nidāna—ignorance—leads to the absence of the others.
Emptiness important article: Śūnyatā Buddhism
Sarvastivada teachings—which be criticize by Nāgārjuna—were explicate by scholars untold as Vasubandhu Buddhism and Asanga Buddhism and be change into the Yogacara Buddhism school. While the Mādhyamaka school held that asserting the existence or non-existence of any eventually real thing was inappropriate, any exponents of Yogacara asserted that the except and only the except is eventually real . Not all Yogacarins asserted that except was genuinely existent; Vasubandhu and Asanga in specific did not. Buddhism These two educate of thought, in opposition or synthesis, perform the basis of later Mahayana metaphysics in the Indo-Tibetan tradition.
Nirvana Buddhism convey "cessation", "extinction" , "extinguished", "quieted", "calmed"; it is besides characterized as "Awakening" or "Enlightenment" in the West. The titled for anybody who has succeed nirvana, include the Buddha, is arahant Buddhism .
An important development in the Mahayana that it came to segment nirvana from bodhi , and to put a lower value on the former . Originally nirvana and bodhi refer to the same thing; they merely use different metaphors for the experience. But the Mahayana tradition separated them and considered that nirvana referred single to the extinction of craving , with the later escape from the cycle of rebirth. This interpretation ignores the third fire, delusion: the extinction of delusion is of course in the aboriginal texts identical with what can be positively expressed as gnosis Buddhism , Enlightenment.
—Richard F. Gombrich, How Buddhism Began Buddhism
The titled Parinirvana Buddhism is besides interact in Buddhism, and this generally refers to the accomplish nirvana attain by the arahant at the moment of death, when the animal exemplified expires.
Buddhas important article: Buddhahood Buddhism
Buddhists do not debate Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism to keep appeared the single Buddha. The Pali Canon Buddhism think of to galore preceding ones , while the Mahayana Buddhism tradition to boot has many Buddhas of celestial, instead than historical, origin . A commonest Theravada and Mahayana buddhistic belief is that the consecutive Buddha willing be one named Maitreya Buddhism .
match to Theravada Buddhism Buddhism
Shwezigon Paya Buddhism happen Bagan Buddhism , Myanmar Buddhism
Bodhi and nirvana travel the aforesaid meaning, that of being liberate from craving, hate, and delusion. In attaining bodhi, the arahant has overcome these obstacles. As a further distinction, the extinction of single hatred and greed with some residue of delusion, is called anagami Buddhism .
match to Mahayana Buddhism Buddhism
The ample Statue of Buddha Amitabha Buddhism in Kamakura Buddhism , lacquer The Buddha's death is perceive as an illusion, he is extant on in variant drill of existence, and monks are therefore permit to offer "new truths" basing on his input. Mahayana also differs from Theravada in its concept of śūnyatā Buddhism , and in its belief in bodhisattvas Buddhism . Buddhism
Nirvana happen to involves only to the extinction of greed and hate, word that delusion was still present in one who attained Nirvana. Bodhi became a higher attainment that hit delusion entirely. Buddhism Thus, the arahant Buddhism attain Nirvana but not Bodhi, hence comforts be exposing to delusion, while the Buddha Buddhism attain Bodhi.
Buddhists relied Gautama Buddha Buddhism was the first to achieve enlightenment in this Buddha era and is hence credited with the establishment of Buddhism. A Buddha era is the stretch of history during which people remember and practice the teachings of the earliest characterized Buddha. This Buddha era will end when all the knowledge, evidence and teachings of Gautama Buddha keep vanished. This belief hence maintains that many Buddha eras keep been and ended throughout the course of human existence. Buddhism Buddhism The Gautama Buddha, then, is the Buddha of this era, who inform heterosexual or indirectly to all variant Buddhas in it .
The idea of the decline and piecemeal disappearance of the teaching has been influential in East Asian Buddhism. purest beach Buddhism holds that it has change state to the aim where few are capable of following the path, so it may be best to believe on the power of the Amitabha Buddha. Bodhisattvas important article: Bodhisattva Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
A statue of Prajñāpāramitā Buddhism personified, Java Buddhism , Indonesia Buddhism
match to Jan Nattier, the titled Mahāyāna was originally flat an unearned synonym for Bodhisattvayāna, or the "Bodhisattva Vehicle." Buddhism The Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, an aboriginal and central Mahāyāna text, contains a simplest and inform definition for the titled bodhisattva: "Because he has enlightenment as his aim, a bodhisattva-mahāsattva is so called." Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
A remember express by the 8th-century Indian buddhistic scholar-saint Shantideva Buddhism , which the Dalai Lama Buddhism frequently cites as his favourite verse, summarized the Bodhisattva's intention as follows: "For as desire as space endures, and for as desire as living beings remain, until sometime may I too been to setting the misery of the world."
practise Devotion important article: Buddhist devotion Buddhism
Buddhism traditionally increase express of reflective absorption . Buddhism The most past act expression of yogistic ideas is open in the aboriginal sermons of the Buddha. Buddhism One key active inform of the Buddha was that reflective absorption essential be have with change state cognition. Buddhism The difference between the Buddha's teaching and the yoga presented in early Brahminic texts is striking. Meditative states solitary are not an end, for according to the Buddha, even the highest reflective note is not liberating. Instead of attaining a complete cessation of thought, some decide of mental activity must lead place: a liberating cognition, based on the practise of mindful awareness. Buddhism
sacred knowledge or "vision" was express as a prove of practise any indoors and outdoors of the buddhistic fold. match to the Samaññaphala Sutta Buddhism , this sort of vision arose for the Buddhist adept as a prove of the perfection of "meditation" coupled with the perfection of "discipline" . any of the Buddha's meditative techniques were overlap with other traditions of his day, but the idea that ethics are causally related to the attainment of "transcendent wisdom" was original. Buddhism
While there is no convincing evidence for meditation in pre-Buddhist early Brahminic texts, Wynne argues that formless meditation arose in the Brahminic or Shramanic tradition, basing on strongest parallels betwixt Upanishadic cosmological statements and the reflective goals of the two teachers of the Buddha as recorded in the early Buddhist texts. Buddhism He think of fewer probably possibilities as well. Buddhism have show that the cosmogonical statements in the Upanishads besides mirror a contemplative tradition, he show that the Nasadiya Sukta Buddhism contains certified for a reflective tradition, flat as aboriginal as the recently Rig Vedic period. Buddhism
Refuge in the cardinal panel Buddhism Buddhism
Relic constitute footprint of the Buddha Buddhism with Dharmachakra Buddhism and triratna Buddhism , 1st century CE, Gandhāra Buddhism . important articles: Refuge Buddhism and Three Jewels Buddhism
The cardinal panel are: The Buddha Buddhism . This is a label for those who keep attain Nirvana. See besides the Tathāgata Buddhism and Gautama Buddha Buddhism . The Buddha could also be equal as a concept instead of a special person: the perfect wisdom that understands Dharma and sees reality in its align form. In Mahayana Buddhism, the Buddha can be think as the maximum Refuge: "Buddha is the unparalleled Absolute Refuge. Buddha is the Imperishable, Eternal, Undestroyable and Absolute Refuge." Buddhism
The Dharma Buddhism . The teachings or law of nature as expounded by the Gautama Buddha. It can also, particularly in Mahayana, connote the ultimate and act Reality that is indivisible from the Buddha. Further, from any Mahayana perspectives, the Dharma been in the form of a great sutra can replaced the need for a personal teacher and can be a direct and spontaneous gateway into Truth . This is particularly express to be the case with the Lotus Sutra Buddhism . Hiroshi Kanno writes of this think of the Lotus Sutra: "it is a Dharma-gate of emergent enlightenment becoming to the Great Vehicle; it is a Dharma-gate whereby one improved spontaneously, without dedicated to a teacher". Buddhism The Sangha Buddhism . Those who keep attain any of the Four re-create of enlightenment Buddhism , or merely the congregation of monastic practitioners Buddhism . The monks' order, which began during the lifetime of the Buddha, is among the ripe organizations on Earth.
Śīla Buddhism or sīla is normally repeated into English as "virtuous behavior", "morality", "ethics" or "precept". It is an contest behave doner the body, speech, or mind, and centers an intend effort. It is one of the three practise and the second pāramitā Buddhism . It think of to chaste purity of thought, word, and deed. The cardinal teach of śīla are chastity, calmness, quiet, and extinguishment.
Śīla refers to overall principles of ethical behavior. There are several levels of sila, which correspond to "basic morality" , "basic morality with asceticism" , "novice monkhood" " title="Ten Precepts " class="mw-redirect">ten precepts Buddhism ) and "monkhood" . Lay populate by and large underwriting to bachelor by the cardinal precepts, which are common to all buddhistic schools. If they wish, they can adopted to underwriting the eight precepts Buddhism , which add basal asceticism.
The precepts are not unlikely as imperatives, but as lectures tamper that laypeople underwriting voluntarily to support practice. Buddhism In buddhistic thought, the cultivation of dana Buddhism and ethical racketeering themselves refine consciousness to untold a level that rebirth in one of the lower heavens is likely, flat if there is no further buddhistic practice. thither is nothing improper or un-Buddhist about tamper one's put to this level of attainment. Buddhism
The accomplish inventory of ten precepts may be spy by laypeople for short periods. For the accomplish list, the fourth precept is segment into two, and a fourth added: 6. To forbear from work food at an unseasonable time, that is after the mid-day meal; 7. To forbear from dancing, music, singing and unseemly shows; 8. To forbear from the use of garlands, perfumes, ointments, and from things that be to repaired and adorn ; 9. To forbear from high and luxurious seats ; 10. To forbear from accepting gold and silver; Buddhism unworldly life Buddhism Buddhism
Buddhist monks Buddhism perform a ceremony in Hangzhou, China
Regarding the unworldly rules, the Buddha invariably reminds his hearers that it is the spirit that counts. On the other hand, the rules themselves are designed to ensured a satisfying life, and provide a perfect springboard for the higher attainments. Monastics are instructed by the Buddha to live as "islands unto themselves". In this sense, living life as the vinaya prescribes it is, as one scholar setting it: "more than merely a means to an end: it is very nearly the end in itself." Buddhism
buddhistic meditation is basically refer with two themes: improved the except and using it to analyse itself and variant phenomena. Buddhism match to Theravada Buddhism the Buddha inform two copied of meditation, samatha meditation Buddhism and vipassanā meditation Buddhism . In taiwanese Buddhism, these existing , but Chán Buddhism meditation is more than popular. Buddhism match to precious Harvey, whenever Buddhism has appeared healthy, not only monks, nuns, and club lamas, but besides more than behave lay people keep practise meditation. Buddhism match to Routledge's Encyclopedia of Buddhism, in contrast, passim most of buddhistic history earlier contemporary times, earnest meditation by lay populate has appeared unusual. Buddhism The evidence of the aboriginal texts declare that at the time of the Buddha, many antheral and egg-producing lay practitioners did practice meditation, any flat to the aim of proficiency in all eight jhānas Buddhism . Buddhism
Samādhi : samatha meditation important articles: Samādhi Buddhism and Dhyāna in Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
Samadhi Buddha Buddhism statue in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Once the meditator attain a strongest and almighty concentration , his except is create from raw material to grains and gain insight into the ultimate nature of reality, eventually purchasing release from all suffering. The cultivation of mindfulness Buddhism is necessary to psychological concentration, which is necessitate to succeed insight.
In Buddhist practice, it is said that while samatha meditation can comfort the mind, single vipassanā meditation can reveal how the except was processing to start with, which is what stolen to insight knowledge Buddhism and understand , and hence can stolen to nirvāṇa . When one is in jhana, all defilements are suppressed temporarily. Only understand hit the defilements completely. Jhanas are besides express that Arahants Buddhism been in ordering to rest.
In Theravāda important article: Jhāna in Theravada Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
A youthful monk in Sri Lanka Buddhism
Prajñā or paññā convey wisdom that is basing on a realization of dependent origination Buddhism , The cardinal august Truths and the three attach of existence Buddhism . Prajñā is the wisdom that is able to extinguish afflictions and bring around bodhi. It is oral of as the principal convey of attain nirvāṇa, doner its revelation of the align nature of all things as dukkha Buddhism , anicca Buddhism and anatta Buddhism . Prajñā is besides travel as the fourth of the six pāramitās Buddhism of the Mahayana.
Zen Buddhism , lisp Chán Buddhism in Chinese, seon in Korean or zen in nipponese is a perform of Buddhism that became popular in China, Korea and lacquer and that lays circumstantial emphasis on meditation. Buddhism Zen travel less emphasis on scriptures than any variant forms of Buddhism and prefers to think on direct numinous breakthroughs to truth.
Zen Buddhist inform is frequently beat of paradox, in order to loosen the bite of the ego and to support the penetration into the realm of the align Self or amorphous Self, which is equated with the Buddha himself. Buddhism According to Zen know Kosho Uchiyama, when thoughts and fixation on the smallest "I" are transcended, an Awakening to a universal, non-dual Self occurs: "When we let go of thoughts and wake up to the reality of life that is work beyond them, we discover the Self that is living comprehensive non-dual life that grains all living creatures and all existence." Buddhism think and think essential hence not be allowed to jugging and befriended one. Buddhism
Vajrayana and Tantra Historically, the grow of Buddhism lie in the sacred think of ancient India Buddhism during the support fragmentary of the archetypal millennium BCE. Buddhism That was a period of societal and sacred turmoil, as thither was momentous disgruntled with the sacrifice and rituals of Vedic Brahmanism Buddhism . Buddhism It was dispute by galore new ascetic Buddhism sacred and philosophic gangs and teachings that poorer with the Brahmanic tradition and rejected the authority of the Vedas Buddhism and the Brahmans Buddhism . Buddhism Buddhism These groups, whose members be characterized as Shramanas Buddhism , be a continuation of a non-Vedic strands of Indian think antithetic from Indo-Aryan Brahmanism. Buddhism Buddhism Scholars keep link to relied that ideas untold as samsara, karma , and moksha Buddhism arose in the shramanas, and be concomitant adopting by Brahmin Buddhism orthodoxy. Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
Buddhism Buddhism
A burning Buddhist Buddhism temple on Gurubhakthula Konda in Ramatheertham Buddhism village in Vizianagaram Buddhism , a regulate of Andhra Pradesh Buddhism , India
At the aforesaid time, these movements be affect by, and in any respects continued, philosophic think indoors the Vedic tradition as reflected e.g. in the Upanishads Buddhism . Buddhism These movements included, also Buddhism, antithetic skeptics Buddhism , atomists Buddhism , materialists Buddhism , antinomians Buddhism ; the most central ones in the 5th century BCE be the Ajivikas Buddhism , who word the overrides of fate, the Lokayata Buddhism , the Ajnanas Buddhism and the Jains Buddhism , who word that the soul essential be liberate from matter. Buddhism galore of these new movements overlap the aforesaid see vocabulary—atman Buddhism , Buddha Buddhism , dhamma Buddhism , karma Buddhism , Nirvana Buddhism , samsara Buddhism and yoga Buddhism . Buddhism The shramanas rejected the Veda, and the authority of the brahmans, who claimed they possessed revealed truths not knowable by any ordinary hominid means. Moreover, they explicit that the entire Brahmanical system was fraudulent: a conspiracy of the brahmans to enrich themselves by charging ultra provide to make inauthentic rites and provide useless advice. Buddhism
Information of the ripe teachings may be obtaining by analysis of the ripe texts. One method to obtain information on the ripe core of Buddhism is to compare the ripe living versions of the Theravadin Pali Canon Buddhism and variant texts. Buddhism The reliability of these sources, and the possibility to diagram out a cave of ripe teachings, is a exist of dispute. Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism match to Vetter, inconsistencies remain, and variant methods essential be use to went those inconsistencies. Buddhism Buddhism
A cave problem in the major of aboriginal Buddhism is the relation betwixt dhyana and insight. Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism Schmithausen, in his often-cited oblige On any Aspects of Descriptions or Theories of 'Liberating Insight' and 'Enlightenment' in Early Buddhism notes that the mention of the cardinal august truths as constituting "liberating insight", which is attained aft realize the Rupa Jhanas, is a concomitant addition to texts such as Majjhima Nikaya 36. Buddhism
cave teachings match to Tilmann Vetter, the cave of aboriginal Buddhism is the practise of dhyāna Buddhism . Buddhism Bronkhorst corresponding that dhyana was a buddhistic invention, Buddhism whereas Norman state that "the Buddha's way to sacrifice was by convey of reflective practices." Buddhism selective insight into transiency as a segment path to liberation was a concomitant development. Buddhism Buddhism
Although "Nibbāna" Buddhism is the common titled for the want goal of this practice, galore variant label can be open passim the Nikayas, which are not specified. Buddhism Buddhism
match to any Bronkhorst and Anderson, the four truths Buddhism became a substitution for prajna, or "liberating insight", in the suttas Buddhism Buddhism in those texts where "liberating insight" was predates by the cardinal jhanas. Buddhism match to Bronkhorst, the cardinal truths may not keep appeared formulated in aboriginal Buddhism, and did not washing in aboriginal Buddhism as a description of "liberating insight". Buddhism Gotama's teachings may keep appeared personal, "adjusted to the requires of all person." Buddhism
The Brahma-vihara Buddhism was in origin prospective a brahmanical term; Buddhism but is usage may keep appeared commonest to the shramanic traditions. Buddhism
Indian Buddhism important article: History of Buddhism in India Buddhism
Pre-sectarian Buddhism is the aboriginal phasing of Buddhism, accept by active all scholars. Its important scriptures are the Vinaya Pitaka Buddhism and the cardinal halfway Nikayas Buddhism or Agamas. reliable basal teachings be in many travel passim the early texts, so most scholars conclude that Gautama Buddha must keep taught something similar to the three attach of existence Buddhism , the Five Aggregates Buddhism , dependent origination Buddhism , karma Buddhism and rebirth Buddhism , the Four august Truths Buddhism , the Noble aggregate Path Buddhism , and Nirvana Buddhism . Buddhism any scholars disagree, and keep declare galore variant theories. Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
aboriginal buddhistic educate important articles: Early buddhistic schools Buddhism , Buddhist councils Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism
match to most scholars, at any period aft the support Council the Sangha began to interrupts into segment factions. Buddhism The antithetic be differs as to when the current schisms occurred. match to the Dipavamsa Buddhism of the Pāli tradition, they been instantly aft the support Council, the Puggalavada tradition travel it in 137 AN, the Sarvastivada Buddhism tradition of Vasumitra Buddhism express it was in the quantify of Ashoka and the Mahasanghika Buddhism tradition travel it such later, active 100 BCE.
The Sthaviras give tower to any schools, one of which was the Theravāda Buddhism school. Originally, these schisms be caused by disputes over vinaya, and monks following other educate of think seem to have lived merrily together in the aforesaid monasteries, but eventually, by about 100 CE if not earlier, schisms be being caused by doctrinal disagreements too. Buddhism
The origins of Mahāyāna, which perform betwixt 100 BCE and 100 AD, Buddhism are comforts not totally understood. Buddhism The aboriginal reasons of Mahāyāna Buddhism in the westbound evaluated that it be as a segment school in competition with the so-called "Hīnayāna Buddhism " schools. The change integrity was on the ordering of the European Protestant Reformation Buddhism , which episodic Christians into Catholic and Protestant Buddhism . Buddhism Due to the veneration of buddhas and bodhisattvas, Mahāyāna was frequently understand as a more than devotional, lay-inspired perform of Buddhism, with formulated origins in stūpa Buddhism veneration. Buddhism "One of the most support assertions around the Mahayana ... is that it was a lay-influenced, or even lay-inspired and dominated, movement that originating in response to the progressively closed, cold, and scholastic scratch of unworldly Buddhism. This, however, now appears to be wrong on all counts." Buddhism
The taiwanese monk Yijing Buddhism who visit India in the 7th century CE, distinguish Mahāyāna from Hīnayāna as follows: Buddhism
such of the aboriginal extant certified for the origins of Mahāyāna happen from aboriginal Chinese translations of Mahāyāna texts. These Mahāyāna teachings be archetypal propagated into China by Lokakṣema Buddhism , the archetypal translator of Mahāyāna sūtras into taiwanese during the 2nd century CE. Buddhism any scholars keep traditionally considered the aboriginal Mahāyāna sūtras to includes the dead archetypal versions of the Prajñāpāramitā Buddhism series, on with texts refer Akṣobhya Buddha Buddhism , which be prospective graphs in the 1st century BCE in the southbound of India. Buddhism Buddhism
recently Mahayana Buddhism academic experiment refer Esoteric Buddhism Buddhism is comforts in its aboriginal re-create and has a be of problems that forms experiment difficult: Buddhism
Vajrayana Buddhism was affect by Hinduism Buddhism , and therefore research essential include exploring Hinduism as well.
The scriptures of Vajrayana keep not yet appeared put in any kind of order.
Ritual essential be investigates as well, not conscionable doctrine. Development of Buddhism important article: Timeline of Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism buddhistic proselytism Buddhism at the quantify of emperor Ashoka Buddhism . Buddhism Buddhism Create verbally constitute Indo-Greek Buddhism king Menander Buddhism , who, match to buddhistic tradition rescue in the Milinda Panha Buddhism , converted to the buddhistic faith and became an arhat Buddhism in the 2nd century BCE .
This period attach the archetypal characterized distributed of Buddhism beyond India. match to the edicts of Aśoka Buddhism , emissaries be sent to various countries westbound of India to distributed Buddhism , especially in eastbound provinces of the rooms Seleucid Empire Buddhism , and flat remote to Hellenistic Buddhism kingdoms of the Mediterranean. It is a exist of disagreement among scholars whether or not these emissaries be accompanied by buddhistic missionaries. Buddhism
The Theravada educate distributed southbound from India in the 3rd century BCE, to Sri Lanka and Thailand Buddhism and Burma Buddhism and concomitant besides Indonesia Buddhism . The Dharmagupta educate distributed northbound to Kashmir Buddhism , Gandhara and Bactria .
In the 2nd century CE, Mahayana Sutras distributed to China, and then to Korea and Japan, and be translated into Chinese. During the Indian period of Esoteric Buddhism , Buddhism distributed from India to Tibet and Mongolia Buddhism .
Buddhism nowadays important article: Timeline of Buddhism:Common Era Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
Buryat Buddhism buddhistic monk in Siberia
Most buddhistic gangs in the westbound are nominally meet with at least one of these cardinal traditions: Theravada Buddhism Buddhism, use Pāli Buddhism as its biblical language, is the ascendant perform of Buddhism in Cambodia Buddhism , Laos Buddhism , Thailand Buddhism , Sri Lanka Buddhism , and Burma Buddhism . The Dalit buddhistic movement Buddhism in India besides practise Theravada. easter asiatic manufactured of Mahayana Buddhism Buddhism that use taiwanese scriptures are ascendant in most of China, Japan, Korea Buddhism , Taiwan Buddhism , Singapore Buddhism and Vietnam Buddhism as well as such communities indoors Indochina, southbound Asia and the West. Vietnam and Singapore are bones concentrations of Mahayana Buddhism in southbound Asia.
Tibetan Buddhism Buddhism is open in Tibet Buddhism , Bhutan Buddhism , Nepal Buddhism , Mongolia Buddhism , areas of India Buddhism , China , and Russia .
widespread thither is an interest diversity of revolutionary manufactured of Buddhism. Buddhism
recently 20th century buddhistic movements In the support fragmentary of the 20th Century a contemporary movement in Nichiren Buddhism: Soka Gakkai Buddhism emerged in Japan and spread favor to variant countries. Soka Gakkai world is a lay Buddhist movement linking more than 12 cardinal populate approximately the world, and is presently described as "the most diverse" Buddhism and "the ample lay buddhistic movement in the world". Buddhism
Demographics important article: Buddhism by country Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
Percentage of Buddhists by country, match to the Pew experiment Center Buddhism , as of 2010.
China Buddhism is the country with the ample population of Buddhists, around 244 cardinal or 18.2% of its average population. Buddhism They are largely followers of Chinese schools Buddhism of Mahayana Buddhism , building this the ample exemplified of buddhistic traditions. Mahayana, besides practise in beamy East Asia Buddhism , is followed by finished fragmentary of multinational Buddhists. Buddhism
match to Johnson and inexorable , Buddhism has discipline from a average of 138 cardinal adherents in 1910, of which 137 cardinal were in Asia Buddhism , to 495 cardinal in 2010, of which 487 cardinal are in Asia. Buddhism
educate and traditions important articles: Schools of Buddhism Buddhism and Buddhahood Buddhism
any scholars Buddhism use variant schemes. Buddhists themselves keep a variety of variant schemes. Hinayana Buddhism is employed by Mahayana followers to name the family of early philosophical educate and traditions from which contemporary Theravada emerged, but as this titled is rooted in the Mahayana viewpoint and can be considered derogatory, a variety of variant terms are increasingly employed instead, include Śrāvakayāna Buddhism , Nikaya Buddhism, aboriginal buddhistic schools, sectarian Buddhism, blimpish Buddhism, mainstream Buddhism and non-Mahayana Buddhism.
This is a mountainous timeline of the development of the other schools/traditions: Nyingma Buddhism
Buddhism Kagyu Buddhism
Buddhism Sakya Buddhism
Jonang Buddhism
East Asia Buddhism
Early buddhistic schools Buddhism
and Mahāyāna Buddhism
Tángmì Buddhism / Hànchuán Mìzōng Buddhism
Nara Buddhism
Shingon Buddhism
Chán Buddhism
Buddhism , Seon Buddhism
Zen Buddhism Tiantai Buddhism
Nichiren Buddhism
Jōdo shū Buddhism
Central Asia Buddhism & Tarim Basin Buddhism
Greco-Buddhism Buddhism
Silk Road Buddhism Buddhism
= Mahayana Buddhism
= Vajrayana Buddhism
= antithetic / syncretistic Theravada is the ripe survives buddhistic school. It is comparatively conservative, and by and large closer to aboriginal Buddhism. Buddhism This educate is derives from the Vibhajjavāda Buddhism classify that be amongst the elderly Sthavira Buddhism groups at the time of the Third Buddhist Council . This school bit by bit change state on the Indian subcontinent, but its expanding in Sri Lanka and southbound East Asia behave to survive.
Theravāda is chiefly practise nowadays in Sri Lanka Buddhism , Burma Buddhism , Laos Buddhism , Thailand Buddhism , Cambodia Buddhism as resurfacing as atomic spread of China, Vietnam Buddhism , Malaysia Buddhism and Bangladesh Buddhism . It has a discipline presence in the west.
Mahayana Buddhism branch in India from the 5th century CE onwards, during the dynasty of the Guptas Buddhism . Mahāyāna setting of larn be established, the most central one be the Nālandā University Buddhism in north-eastern India.
autochthonal Mahayana Buddhism is practise nowadays in China, Japan, Korea Buddhism , Singapore Buddhism , move of Russia and most of Vietnam Buddhism . The Buddhism practise in Tibet, the Himalayan regions, and Mongolia is also Mahayana in origin, but is discussed below under the head of Vajrayana . thither are a variety of strand in eastbound Buddhism, of which "the Pure Land educate of Mahayana is the most widely make today.". Buddhism In most of this area however, they are fused into a only compound perform of Buddhism. In lacquer in particular Buddhism , they perform segment denominations with the cardinal bones ones being: Nichiren Buddhism , antic to Japan; Pure Land Buddhism ; Shingon Buddhism , a perform of Vajrayana; Tendai Buddhism , and Zen Buddhism . In Korea, active all Buddhists been to the Chogye school, which is formally Son , but with appreciable elements from variant traditions. Buddhism
Vajrayana traditions important article: Vajrayana Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
Boudhanath Buddhism , Kathmandu Buddhism , Nepal Buddhism
thither are differs reasons as to conscionable when Vajrayāna and its tantric practice Buddhism started. In the Tibetan tradition Buddhism , it is claimed that the historical Śākyamuni Buddha taught tantra, but as these are esoteric teachings, they be travel on orally archetypal and single graphic drink long aft the Buddha's other teachings. Nālandā University Buddhism became a refer for the development of Vajrayāna theory and continued as the obtain of leading-edge Vajrayāna practise up doner the 11th century. These practices, scriptures and theories be transmitted to China, Tibet Buddhism , Indochina and southbound Asia. China by and large conventional Indian transmission up to the 11th century include tantrik practice, while a vast amount of what is considered Tibetan Buddhism Buddhism originate in from the recently Nālandā tradition.
Vajrayana have and create a variety of elements, a be of which had already be for centuries. Buddhism In addition to the Mahāyāna scriptures, Vajrayāna Buddhists recognised a ample exemplified of Buddhist Tantras Buddhism , any of which are besides include in taiwanese and nipponese collections of buddhistic literature, and versions of a few flat in the Pali Canon Buddhism .
buddhistic texts Buddhism Buddhism
Buddhist monk Geshe Konchog Wangdu read Mahayana sutras from an old woodblock write of the Tibetan Kanjur. important article: Buddhist texts Buddhism
Unlike galore religions, Buddhism has no only principal text that is universally referred to by all traditions. However, any scholars keep referred to the Vinaya Pitaka Buddhism and the archetypal cardinal Nikayas of the Sutta Pitaka Buddhism as the commonest cave of all buddhistic traditions. Buddhism This could be considered misleading, as Mahāyāna considers these simply a preliminary, and not a core, teaching. The Tibetan Buddhists have not even repeated most of the āgamas and they play no move in the religious life of either clergy or laity in China and Japan. Buddhism variant scholars say thither is no universally evaluate commonest core. Buddhism The size and complexity of the buddhistic canons keep appeared perceive by any as display barriers to the beamy understand of buddhistic philosophy.
finished the years, various attempts keep been made to synthesize a only buddhistic text that can encompass all of the major principles of Buddhism. In the Theravada tradition, condensed 'study texts' be perform that have favorite or influential scriptures into only volumes that could be studied by novice monks. Later in Sri Lanka Buddhism , the Dhammapada Buddhism was endorse as a compound scripture.
The Pāli Tipitaka, which convey "three baskets", think of to the Vinaya Pitaka, the Sutta Pitaka, and the Abhidhamma Pitaka. The Vinaya Pitaka Buddhism contains disciplinary tamper for the buddhistic monks Buddhism and nuns Buddhism , as resurfacing as explanations of why and how these tamper be instituted, support material, and doctrinal clarification. The Sutta Pitaka Buddhism contains enclosed rating to Gautama Buddha Buddhism . The Abhidhamma Pitaka Buddhism contains mercenary frequently set forth as systematic expositions of the Gautama Buddha's teachings.
match to the scriptures, shortly aft the death of the Buddha, the archetypal buddhistic council was held; a monk designate Mahākāśyapa Buddhism presided. The goal of the council was to logs the Buddha's teachings. Upāli Buddhism make the vinaya. Ānanda Buddhism , the Buddha's personal attendant, was called upon to recite the dhamma. These became the basis of the Tripitaka. However, this record was ab initio transmitted orally in perform of chanting, and was behave to text in the decide century BCE. Both the sūtras and the vinaya of every Buddhist school contain a wide variety of elements include discourses on the Dharma, commentaries on other teachings, cosmological and cosmogonical texts, stories of the Gautama Buddha's previous lives, and various other subjects.
The Mahayana sutras Buddhism are a dead beamy genre of buddhistic scriptures that the Mahayana Buddhism buddhistic tradition respects are archetypal teachings of the Buddha Buddhism . any adherents of Mahayana permit any the aboriginal teachings Buddhism and the Mahayana sutras as authentic teachings of Gautama Buddha, and demand they be designing for other types of persons and other aim of spiritual understanding.
match to Mahayana tradition, the Mahayana sutras be delegate in secret, happen from variant Buddhas or bodhisattvas Buddhism , or be have in non-human worlds because hominid beings at the quantify could not solve them: Buddhism }
around six cardinal Mahayana sutras keep survive in Sanskrit or in taiwanese or Tibetan Buddhism translations. In addition, easter asiatic Buddhism legitimate any sutras think by scholars as of taiwanese instead than Indian origin.
Only the Theravada educate does not include the Mahayana scriptures in its canon. As the contemporary Theravada educate is moving from a branch of Buddhism that diverged and established itself in Sri Lanka prior to the emergence of the Mahayana texts, debate existing as to whether the Theravada were historically include in the hinayana designation; in the contemporary era, this label is seen as derogatory, and is generally avoided. Buddhism give galore opportunities for comparative major with a antithetic crops of subjects. For example, Buddhism's emphasis on the Middle way Buddhism not only give a unique guideline for ethics but has also allowed Buddhism to peacefully coincide with antithetic differs beliefs, customs and institutions in countries where it has resided passim its history. Also, its moral and spiritual parallels with other systems of thought—for example, with antithetic tenets of Christianity—have been subjects of closing study. In addition, the Buddhist concept of dependent origination Buddhism has appeared analyze to contemporary technological thought, as resurfacing as occidental metaphysics.
Is Buddhism a religion? Buddhism Buddhism
The ample Buddha of Kamakura, Kōtoku-in Buddhism in lacquer variant obtain answer that the comments to this questioned be upon how religion is defined. For example: Surya Das Buddhism states: "For Buddhism is fewer a theology or religion than a contracting that certain reflective practices and except trainings can efficaciously display us how to awaken our Buddha-nature and free us from suffering and confusion." Buddhism
B. Alan Wallace Buddhism states: "When we in the West archetypal act with Buddhism, it is almost inevitable that we transport out one of our familiar group and apply it to Buddhism, calling it merely a 'religion.'... But Buddhism has ne'er been merely a religion as we define it in the West. From the very beginning it has besides had philosophic elements, as well as empirical and rational elements that may tempted the term 'science.'" Buddhism
Rupert Gethin Buddhism states: "I am not concerned here to pronounce on a question that is sometimes asked of Buddhism: is it a religion? Obviously it depends on how one defines 'a religion'. What is certain, however, is that Buddhism does not involve belief in a creator God who has control over hominid destiny, nor does it seek to define itself by reference to a creed; as Edward Conze has bulldozed out, it took over 2,000 years and a couple of Western converts to Buddhism to provide it with a creed. On the other hand, Buddhism reasons activities that would be generally understood as religious—such as devotional practices and rituals—as a legitimate, useful, and even essential part of the practice and training that leads to the cessation of suffering." Buddhism
Damien Keown Buddhism states: "Problems confront us as soon as we try to define what Buddhism is. Is it a religion? A philosophy? A way of life? A code of ethics? It is not easy to classify Buddhism as any of these things, and it contest us to rethink any of these categories. What, for example, do we mean by 'religion'? Most people would say that religion has something to do with belief in God. If belief in God in this perceive is the essence of religion, then Buddhism cannot be a religion. Some have suggested that a new category – that of the 'non-theistic' religion – is necessitate to includes Buddhism. different possibility is that our original definition is simply too narrow. Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism czechoslovakian Buddhists The Dalai Lama Buddhism states: "From one viewpoint, Buddhism is a religion, from another viewpoint Buddhism is a science of mind and not a religion. Buddhism can be a bridge between these two sides. Therefore, with this conviction I try to keep nearer locks with scientists, mainly in the handle of cosmology, psychology, neurobiology and physics. In these handle thither are insights to share, and to a certain extent we can work together." Buddhism
Ilkka Pyysiäinen states: "There are thus great difficulties involved in conceptualizing religion as belief in god, perceived agents, etc., although we intuitively think that any such beings, nevertheless, are essential in religion. As is well-known, Buddhism is the favorite example of scholars who have argued that we should determine any other way of defining religion than the one basing on the idea of belief in gods or perceived beings." and "Buddhism does not have to be the problematic touchstone for a international concept of religion." Buddhism
Martin Southwold states: "It is show that Buddhism, though non-theistic, mismatched other religions in be on kabbalistic notions; it is show how this contributes to understand the social work of religions." Buddhism
Walpola Rahula Buddhism states: "The question has often been asked: Is Buddhism a religion or a philosophy? It perform not matter what you call it. Buddhism remains what it is any label you may put on it. The label is immaterial. Even the label 'Buddhism' which we provide to the teaching of the Buddha is of little importance. The term one gives it is inessential. What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other term would smell as sweet. In the aforesaid way Truth needs no label: it is neither Buddhist, Christian, Hindu nor Moslem. It is not the monopoly of anybody. Sectarian labels are a hindrance to the independent understanding of Truth, and they produce harmful prejudices in men's minds." Buddhism
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Buddhism states: "If you are interested in 'meeting the Buddha' and following his example, then you should realized that the path the Buddha taught is chiefly a study of your own except and a system for training your mind. This path is spiritual, not religious. Its goal is self-knowledge, not salvation; freedom, not heaven. And it is deeply personal."
Friedrich Nietzsche Buddhism criticize Buddhism for dress what he saw as nihilism Buddhism . Buddhism any Marxist Buddhism gangs keep criticize Buddhism for make Tibet to keep an undeveloped, rural economy. Buddhism
See besides Book: Buddhism Buddhism Buddhism
Buddhism portal Buddhism Outline of Buddhism Buddhism
Buddhism by country Buddhism
Buddhism and science Buddhism
Buddhist Bráhmans Buddhism
Chinese folk religion Buddhism
Dharma look moving Center Buddhism
Easily confusing buddhistic representations Buddhism
Iconography of Gautama Buddha in Laos and Thailand Buddhism
Index of Buddhism-related articles Buddhism
Indian religions Buddhism
List of schedule think to Buddhism Buddhism
List of buddhistic temples Buddhism
Nonviolence Buddhism Notes ^ a Buddhism b Buddhism "Buddhism". . In Encyclopædia Britannica Buddhism . Retrieved November 26, 2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica On-line Library Edition
^ Buddhism before buddhistic texts involves to cardinal realms rather than six realms; when set forth as cardinal realms, the god realm and demi-god realm graphs a single realm.
^ Buddhism André Bareau: the top of p. 212 says: "Here are the theses of the Theravadins of the Mahavihara"; then get down a numbered inventory of doctrines over the following pages, including on p. 223: "There are only cardinal destinies ... the kalakanjika asuras have the aforesaid colour, aforesaid nourishment, aforesaid foods, aforesaid lifespan as the petas, with whom ... they marry. As for the Vepacittiparisa, they have the aforesaid colour, aforesaid nourishment, aforesaid foods, aforesaid lifespan as the gods, with whom they marry." Buddhism
^ Buddhism See the oblige Four august Truths Buddhism for favor instance and citations. In particular, the separate "The cardinal truths Buddhism " indoors that oblige give a types show variety of translations of these cardinal statements.
^ Buddhism For clarification of translations, see Dukkha#Translating the titled dukkha Buddhism .
^ Buddhism See the oblige dukkha Buddhism for favor instance and citations.
^ Buddhism See the oblige Four august Truths Buddhism for favor instance and citations.
^ Buddhism Rahula: What the Buddha Taught, Chapter 2
^ Buddhism Thanissaro Bhikkhu, The Not-Self Strategy Buddhism , See aim 3 – The Canon summarized Thanissaro Bhikkhu move attention to is the Sabbasava Sutta Buddhism .
^ Buddhism This cardinal nidana schemes can be found, for instance, in aggregate enclosed in chapter 12 of the Samyutta Nikaya Buddhism —Nidana Vagga Buddhism . variant "applications" of what might be name "mundane babelike origination" includes the nine-nidana schemes of Digha Nikaya Buddhism 15 Buddhism and the ten-nidana schemes of Samyutta Nikaya 12.65 . Buddhism So-called "transcendental babelike origination" is set forth in Samyutta Nikaya 12.23 . Buddhism In addition, Digha Nikaya 15 set forth an eleven-nidana schemes that stolen to societal smouldering ^ Buddhism Shaw also notes that discourses on meditation are network to "bhikkhave", but that in this context the label is more generic than merely "monks" and refers to all practitioners, and that this is verified by Buddhaghosa. Buddhism
^ Buddhism match to Charles S. Prebish: Buddhism "Although a variety of Zen 'schools' developed in Japan, they all emphasize Zen as a teaching that perform not be on spiritual texts, that provides the potential for operating realization, that the realization attained is none other than the Buddha nature keep by each sentient be ...".
^ Buddhism Prebish comments : "It expect that sitting in meditation itself is an expression of Buddha nature." The method is to detach the mind from conceptual modes of thinking and perceive Reality directly. Speaking of Zen in general, Buddhist scholar Stephen Hodge writes: "... practitioners of Zen believe that Enlightenment, the awakening of the Buddha-mind or Buddha-nature, is our natural state, but has been enclosed finished by layers of negative emotions and distorted thoughts. According to this view, Enlightenment is not something that we must acquire a bit at a time, but a note that can occur immediately when we cut through the dense veil of mental and emotional obscurations." Buddhism
^ Buddhism Commenting on Rinzai Zen and its Chinese founder, Linji, Hisamatsu states: "Linji indicates our align way of being in untold operating expressions as 'True Person' and 'True Self'. It is independent of words or letters and delegate apart from scriptural teaching. Buddhism doesn't actually need scriptures. It is conscionable our operating improved to Self ..." Buddhism
^ Buddhism Buddhism: The foundations of Buddhism, The cultural context. In Encyclopædia Britannica Buddhism . Retrieved 19-07-2009, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online Library Edition
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Hinduism: History of Hinduism: The Vedic period ; contest to Brahmanism ; aboriginal Hinduism . Retrieved 19-07-2009.
^ Buddhism match to Masih: Buddhism "There is no evidence to display that Jainism and Buddhism always give to vedic sacrifices, vedic deities or caste. They are match or native religions of India and have contributed to such to the growth of flat classical Hinduism of the present times."
^ Buddhism Crawford states: Buddhism "Alongside Brahmanism was the non-Aryan Shramanic grow with its grow end endorse to then times."
^ Buddhism Masih: Buddhism "This verified that the doctrine of transmigration is non-aryan and was evaluate by non-vedics seeking Ajivikism, Jainism and Buddhism. The Indo-aryans have gotten the theory of re-birth after coming in contact with the aboriginal inhabitants of India. Certainly Jainism and non-vedics evaluate the doctrine of rebirth as supreme demand or article of faith."
^ Buddhism Karel Werner: Buddhism "Rahurkar speaks of them as been to two distinct 'cultural strands' ... Wayman also open certified for two distinct approaches to the numinous brands in ancient India and calls them the traditions of 'truth and silence.' He traces them especially in the elderly Upanishads, in aboriginal Buddhism, and in some later literature."
^ Buddhism Flood: Buddhism "The origin and doctrine of Karma and Samsara are obscure. These concepts were certainly circulating amongst sramanas, and Jainism and Buddhism create specific and sophisticated ideas about the process of transmigration. It is very accomplishable that the karmas and reincarnation entering the mainstream brahaminical thought from the sramana or the renouncer traditions."
^ Buddhism Padmanabh S. Jaini states: Buddhism "Yajnavalkya's reluctance and manner in expounding the doctrine of karma in the assembly of Janaka can perhaps be explained by the assumption that it was, seeking that of the transmigration of soul, of non-brahmanical origin. In view of the fact that this doctrine is panel on almost every page of sramana scriptures, it is highly probable that it was derives from them."
^ Buddhism Govind Chandra Pande: Buddhism "Early Upanishad thinkers like Yajnavalkya were acquainted with the sramanic think and act to integrated these ideals of Karma, Samsara and Moksa into the vedic think implying a disparagement of the vedic ritualism and recognising the mendicancy as an ideal."
^ Buddhism Kashi Nath Upadhyaya: "The emergent appearance of this theory in a full-fledged perform is probably due, as already bulldozed out, to an compressed of the moving muni-and-shramana Buddhism -cult, occurs drink from the pre-Vedic non-Aryan time." Buddhism
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Buddhism: The foundations of Buddhism, the cultural context. Retrieved 19-07-2009.
^ Buddhism R.F. Gombrich: "The brahmin by caste alone, the teacher of the Veda, is etymologized as the 'non-meditator' . Brahmins who keep major the cardinal Vedas really know nothing: it is the process of achieving Enlightenment — what the Buddha is said to keep achieved in the cardinal watches of that night—which graphs the align 'three knowledges.'" Buddhism
^ Buddhism "Atthako, Vâmako, Vâmadevo, Vessâmitto Buddhism , Yamataggi Buddhism , Angiraso Buddhism , Bhâradvâjo Buddhism , Vâsettho Buddhism , Kassapo Buddhism , and Bhagu Buddhism " in P. 245 The Vinaya piṭakaṃ: one of the principle buddhistic holiest scriptures ..., Volume 1 improved by Hermann Oldenberg
^ Buddhism Hāṇḍā: "Even so keep I, monks, perceive an past way, an past road followed by the wholly improved ones of past time....Along that keep I done, and the matters that I keep come to know to the full as I was going along it, I keep told to the monks, nuns, men and women lay-followers, even monks, this Brahma-faring brahmacharya that is plush and flourishing, widespread and widely known become popular in short, well perform manifest for gods and men." Buddhism
^ Buddhism Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Vedic religion. Retrieved 19-07-2009.
^ Buddhism The survives spread of the scriptures of Sarvastivada Buddhism , Mulasarvastivada Buddhism , Mahisasaka Buddhism , Dharmaguptaka Buddhism and variant schools, Buddhism Buddhism and the taiwanese Agamas Buddhism and variant survives spread of variant aboriginal canons.
^ Buddhism notable analyse are the major on descriptions of "liberating insight" by Lambert Schmithausen, Buddhism the overview of aboriginal Buddhism by Tilmann Vetter, Buddhism the philological take on the cardinal truths by K.R. Norman, Buddhism the textual analyse by Richard Gombrich, Buddhism and the experiment on aboriginal meditation methods by Johannes Bronkhorst. Buddhism
^ Buddhism Well-known proponents of the archetypal deployed are A.K. Warder Buddhism Buddhism and Richard Gombrich Buddhism . Buddhism Buddhism
^ Buddhism A proponent of the support deployed is Ronald Davidson. Buddhism
^ Buddhism Well-known proponent of the ordinal deployed are J.W. de Jong, Buddhism Buddhism Johannes Bronkhorst Buddhism and Donald Lopez. Buddhism
^ Buddhism match to Schmithausen, "the karma doctrine may keep appeared omissible to aboriginal buddhistic soteriology." Buddhism
^ Buddhism Majjhima Nikaya 36
^ Buddhism Vetter: hey do not conditioning that one is released by remember the four august truths, but by practise the twentieth august truth, the eighfold path, which went in right samadhi. Buddhism
^ Buddhism Vetter: "I am especially think here of MN 26 kimkusalagavesi anuttaram santivarapadam pariyesamano and again MN 26 , anuttaramyagakkhemam nibbiinam pariyesati . Anuppatta-sadattho is besides a vague positive expression in the Arhatformula in MN 35 , see chapter 2, types 3, Furthermore, satthi is central in e.g. SN 2.12 or 2.17 or Sn 269; and sukha and rati , in distinguish to other places, as employed in Sn 439 and 956. The oldest term was perhaps amata but one could say here that it is a negative term." Buddhism
^ Buddhism Encyclopedia of Religion, Macmillan, New York, sv Councils, buddhistic ^ Buddhism See Journal of the Pāli Text Society, volume XVI, p. 105
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism "Abhidhamma Pitaka." Encyclopædia Britannica. crowning write Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2008
^ Buddhism "The most important evidence — in fact the only evidence — for price the emergence of the Mahayana around the beginning of the common era was not Indian evidence at all, but came from China. Already by the last quarter of the 2nd century CE, there was a small, seemingly individual collection of substantial Mahayana sutras repeated into what Erik Zürcher calls 'broken Chinese' by an Indoscythian, whose Indian term has appeared reconstructed as Lokaksema." Buddhism
^ Buddhism "The southbound was sometime smartly constructive in perform Mahayana Sutras" Warder Buddhism
^ Buddhism See shape , p. 30, for the taiwanese text from the Hou Hanshu Buddhism , and p. 31 for a translation of it. Buddhism
^ Buddhism See Philosophy easter and West, volume 54, paged 270
^ Buddhism ,; Gethin , pp. 1–2, identifies "three broad traditions" as: "The Theravāda tradition of Sri Lanka and South-East Asia, also sometimes referred to as 'southern' Buddhism"; "The East asiatic tradition of China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam, also sometimes referred to as 'eastern' Buddhism"; and, "The Tibetan tradition, also sometimes referred to as 'northern' Buddhism."; Robinson & Johnson divide their book into two parts: Part One is entitled "The Buddhism of South Asia" ; and, Part Two is entitled "The Development of Buddhism outdoors of India" with chapters on "The Buddhism of Southeast Asia", "Buddhism in the Tibetan Culture Area", "East asiatic Buddhism" and "Buddhism Comes West; Penguin handbook of extant Religions, 1984, page 279; Prebish & Keown, Introducing Buddhism, ebook, Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 2005, printed ed, Harper, 2006
^ Buddhism See e.g. the multi-dimensional classification in Encyclopedia of Religion Buddhism
^ Buddhism Cousins, L.S. ; Buswell , Vol. I, p. 82; and, Keown & Prebish , p. 107. See also, Gombrich , p. 32: “…he pulses we can say is that was prospective conditioning betwixt 550 and 450, more probably concomitant rather than earlier."
^ Buddhism Williams writes: "As a matter of fact Buddhism in mainland India itself had all but ceased to exist by the fourth century CE, although by that time it had spread to Tibet, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia." Embree et al. , "Chronology," p. xxix: "c. 1000-1200: Buddhism vanish as perform religious force in India." See also, Robinson & Johnson , pp. 100-1, 108 Fig. 1; and, Harvey , pp. 139-40. References ^ Buddhism Wells 2008 Buddhism .
^ Buddhism Roach 2011 Buddhism .
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism Lopez 2001 Buddhism , p. 239.
^ Buddhism Gethin 1998 Buddhism , pp. 27–28, 73–74.
^ Buddhism Williams 1998 Buddhism , pp. 275f.
^ Buddhism Robinson 1998 Buddhism , p. xx.
^ Buddhism Padmasambhava 2004 Buddhism , p. 111.
^ Buddhism Swearer 2004 Buddhism , p. 177.
^ Buddhism Buswell 2004 Buddhism , p. 352.
^ Buddhism Lopez 1995 Buddhism , p. 16.
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism Carrithers 1986 Buddhism , p. 10.
^ Buddhism Armstrong 2004 Buddhism , p. xii.
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism Gombrich 1988 Buddhism , p. 49.
^ Buddhism Kohn 1991 Buddhism , p. 143.
^ Buddhism Keown 2003 Buddhism , p. 267.
^ Buddhism Skilton 1997 Buddhism , p. 25.
^ Buddhism Kasulis 2006 Buddhism , pp. 1-12.
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 40.
^ Buddhism Payne 2006 Buddhism , p. 74.
^ Buddhism Lopez 1995 Buddhism , p. 248.
^ Buddhism Keown 1996 Buddhism , p. 107.
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 34.
^ Buddhism Buswell 2004 Buddhism , p. 711.
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 33.
^ Buddhism Buswell 2004 Buddhism , p. 377.
^ Buddhism Bodhi 2000 Buddhism .
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism Ajahn Sucitto 2010 Buddhism , p. 87-88.
^ Buddhism Gethin 1998 Buddhism , p. 82.
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism Armstrong 2004 Buddhism , p. 77.
^ Buddhism Nhat Hahn Buddhism , p. 36.
^ Buddhism Chodron 2002 Buddhism , p. 37.
^ Buddhism Kohn 1991 Buddhism , pp. 131,143.
^ Buddhism Prebish 1993 Buddhism .
^ Buddhism Keown 2003 Buddhism .
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 56.
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 57.
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 58.
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 59.
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 60.
^ Buddhism Lindtner 1997 Buddhism , p. 324.
^ Buddhism Williams 2000 Buddhism , p. 161.
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism c Buddhism d Buddhism Gombrich 1997 Buddhism .
^ Buddhism Gombrich 1999 Buddhism , pp. 40, 46.
^ Buddhism Gombrich 1997 Buddhism , p. 67.
^ Buddhism Mizuno 1996 Buddhism , p. 57.
^ Buddhism Buddhaghosa 1991 Buddhism , p. 184.
^ Buddhism Gyatso 1995 Buddhism , p. 1.
^ Buddhism Nattier 2003 Buddhism , p. 174.
^ Buddhism Mall 2005 Buddhism , pp. 53-54.
^ Buddhism Hirakawa 1993 Buddhism , p. 297.
^ Buddhism Conze 2001 Buddhism , p. 2001.
^ Buddhism Gyatso 1995 Buddhism , pp. 4-12.
^ Buddhism Harvey 1990 Buddhism , p. 170.
^ Buddhism Dumoulin 1988 Buddhism , p. 22.
^ Buddhism Miller 1996 Buddhism , p. 8.
^ Buddhism Wynne 2007 Buddhism , p. 73.
^ Buddhism Wynne 2007 Buddhism , p. 105.
^ Buddhism Carrithers 1986 Buddhism , p. 30.
^ Buddhism Wynne 2007 Buddhism , p. 72.
^ Buddhism Gombrich 1988 Buddhism , p. 44.
^ Buddhism Bronkhorst 1993 Buddhism , pp. 1-17.
^ Buddhism Collins 2000 Buddhism , p. 199.
^ a Buddhism b Buddhism Wynne 2007 Buddhism , p. 51.
^ Buddhism Wynne 2007 Buddhism , p. 56.
^ Buddhism Nanamoli 1995 Buddhism , p. 708f.
^ Buddhism Sebastian 2005 Buddhism , p. 83.
^ Buddhism Sebastian 2005 Buddhism , p. 82.
^ Buddhism Kanno 2004 Buddhism , p. 147.
^ Buddhism McFarlane 2001 Buddhism , p. 187.
^ Buddhism McFarlane 2001 Buddhism , pp. 195-196.
^ Buddhism Morgan 2007 Buddhism , pp. 62–63.
^ Buddhism Gombrich 1988 Buddhism , p. 89.
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Middle Way Buddhism the Buddha Buddhism Tathāgata Buddhism
Birthday Buddhism
Four sights Buddhism
Physical characteristics Buddhism
Footprint Buddhism
Iconography Buddhism
Films Buddhism
Miracles Buddhism
Family Buddhism Suddhodana Buddhism
Maya Buddhism
Mahapajapati Gotami Buddhism
Yasodhara Buddhism
Rahula Buddhism Places where the Buddha stayed Buddhism
Buddha in multinational religions Buddhism Key concepts Buddhism three attach of existence Buddhism Impermanence Buddhism
Suffering Buddhism
Not-self Buddhism dependent origination Buddhism
Five Aggregates Buddhism
karma Buddhism
rebirth Buddhism
Saṃsāra Buddhism
Saṅkhāra Buddhism
Defilements Buddhism
ignorance Buddhism
craving Buddhism
Five Hindrances Buddhism
Ten Fetters Buddhism
Faculties Buddhism
Enlightenment Buddhism
Parinirvana Buddhism
Thusness Buddhism
Two truths doctrine Buddhism
emptiness Buddhism
Bodhicitta Buddhism
Bodhisattva Buddhism
Buddha-nature Buddhism
Mindstream Buddhism
Dzogchen Buddhism Cosmology Buddhism Ten numinous realms Buddhism
Six Realms Buddhism Heaven Buddhism
Human realm Buddhism
Asura realm Buddhism
Hungry moving realm Buddhism
Animal realm Buddhism
Hell Buddhism Three drill of existence Buddhism Practices Buddhism Refuge Buddhism
Buddhist devotion Buddhism
Puja Buddhism Offerings Buddhism
Prostration Buddhism
Chanting Buddhism Merit Buddhism
Paritta Buddhism
Generosity Buddhism
Renunciation Buddhism
Morality Buddhism Precepts Buddhism
Bodhisattva vow Buddhism
Prātimokṣa Buddhism Threefold Training Buddhism Morality Buddhism
Concentration Buddhism
Prajñā Buddhism Four perceived Abidings Buddhism Loving-kindness Buddhism
Compassion Buddhism
Sympathetic joy Buddhism
Equanimity Buddhism Perfections Buddhism
Enlightenment Qualities Buddhism
Seven budgets of Enlightenment Buddhism Sati Buddhism
Dhamma vicaya Buddhism
Pīti Buddhism
Passaddhi Buddhism Effort Buddhism Four correctly Exertions Buddhism Bases of Power Buddhism
Five Strengths Buddhism
Faith Buddhism
Mindfulness Buddhism Satipatthana Buddhism Jhāna/Dhyāna Buddhism
Bhavana Buddhism
Satya Buddhism Sacca Buddhism meditation Buddhism Mantras Buddhism
Kammaṭṭhāna Buddhism
Recollection Buddhism
Smarana Buddhism
Mindfulness of Breathing Buddhism
Serenity meditation Buddhism
Insight meditation Buddhism
Shikantaza Buddhism
Zazen Buddhism
Kōan Buddhism
Mandala Buddhism
Tonglen Buddhism
Tantra Buddhism
Tertön Buddhism
Terma Buddhism Attainment Buddhism Types of Buddha Buddhism
Private Buddha Buddhism
Bodhisattva Buddhism
Four re-create of enlightenment Buddhism Stream-enterer Buddhism
Once-returner Buddhism
Non-returner Buddhism
arhat Buddhism Monasticism Buddhism Monk Buddhism
Nun Buddhism
Novice monk Buddhism
Novice nun Buddhism
Anagarika Buddhism
Ajahn Buddhism
Sayadaw Buddhism
Zen master Buddhism
Rōshi Buddhism
Lama Buddhism
Rinpoche Buddhism
Geshe Buddhism
Tulku Buddhism
Householder Buddhism
Lay follower Buddhism
Disciple Buddhism
Shaolin Monastery Buddhism Major figures Buddhism Gautama Buddha Buddhism
Kaundinya Buddhism
Assaji Buddhism
Sāriputta Buddhism
Mahamoggallāna Buddhism
Mulian Buddhism
Ananda Buddhism
Maha Kassapa Buddhism
Anuruddha Buddhism
Mahakaccana Buddhism
Nanda Buddhism
Subhuti Buddhism
Punna Buddhism
Upali Buddhism
Mahapajapati Gotami Buddhism
Khema Buddhism
Uppalavanna Buddhism
Asita Buddhism
Channa Buddhism
Yasa Buddhism
Buddhaghosa Buddhism
Nagasena Buddhism
Bodhidharma Buddhism
Nagarjuna Buddhism
Asanga Buddhism
Vasubandhu Buddhism
Atiśa Buddhism
Padmasambhava Buddhism
Nichiren Buddhism
Ambedkar Buddhism
Dalai Lama Buddhism
Panchen Lama Buddhism
Karmapa Buddhism
Naropa Buddhism Texts Buddhism Tripiṭaka Buddhism
Mahāyāna sūtras Buddhism
Pāli Canon Buddhism
Chinese buddhistic canon Buddhism
Tibetan buddhistic canon Buddhism Branches Buddhism Theravada Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism Zen Buddhism
Pure Land Buddhism
Tiantai Buddhism
Nichiren Buddhism
Madhyamaka Buddhism
Yogacara Buddhism Navayana Buddhism
Vajrayana Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism Buddhism
Shingon Buddhism Early buddhistic schools Buddhism
Pre-sectarian Buddhism Buddhism
Basic level compound Theravāda and Mahāyāna Buddhism Countries Buddhism Bangladesh Buddhism
Bhutan Buddhism
Burma Buddhism
Cambodia Buddhism
China Buddhism
India Buddhism
Indonesia Buddhism
Japan Buddhism
Korea Buddhism
Laos Buddhism
Malaysia Buddhism
Maldives Buddhism
Mongolia Buddhism
Nepal Buddhism
Pakistan Buddhism
Philippines Buddhism
Russia Buddhism
Singapore Buddhism
Sri Lanka Buddhism
Taiwan Buddhism
Thailand Buddhism
Tibet Buddhism
Vietnam Buddhism
Middle East Buddhism Iran Buddhism Western countries Buddhism Argentina Buddhism
Australia Buddhism
Brazil Buddhism
France Buddhism
United Kingdom Buddhism
United States Buddhism
Venezuela Buddhism History Buddhism Timeline Buddhism
Ashoka Buddhism
Buddhist councils Buddhism
History of Buddhism in India Buddhism Decline of Buddhism in India Buddhism Greco-Buddhism Buddhism
Buddhism and the romanic world Buddhism
Buddhism in the West Buddhism
Silk Road transmission of Buddhism Buddhism
Persecution of Buddhists Buddhism
Banishment of buddhistic monks from Nepal Buddhism
Buddhist crisis Buddhism
Sinhalese buddhistic nationalism Buddhism
Buddhism in the West Buddhism
Buddhist modernism Buddhism
Vipassana movement Buddhism
969 Movement Buddhism
Women in Buddhism Buddhism Philosophy Buddhism Abhidharma Buddhism
Logic Buddhism
Buddhology Buddhism
Eschatology Buddhism
Reality Buddhism
God Buddhism
Secular Buddhism Buddhism
Humanism Buddhism
Eight Consciousnesses Buddhism
Engaged Buddhism Buddhism
Socialism Buddhism
Economics Buddhism
Atomism Buddhism
Evolution Buddhism
Ethics Buddhism
The unrequited questions Buddhism Culture Buddhism Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi Buddhism
Temple of the Tooth Buddhism
Art Buddhism
Greco-Buddhist art Buddhism
Poetry Buddhism
Buddha statue Buddhism
Budai Buddhism
Symbolism Buddhism Dharmachakra Buddhism
Flag Buddhism
Bhavacakra Buddhism
Swastika Buddhism
Thangka Buddhism Prayer wheel Buddhism
Mala Buddhism
Mudra Buddhism
Mantra Buddhism Om mani padme hum Buddhism Funeral Buddhism
Music Buddhism
Holidays Buddhism Vesak Buddhism
Uposatha Buddhism
Magha Puja Buddhism
Asalha Puja Buddhism
Rains retreat Buddhism Monastic robe Buddhism
Architecture Buddhism Vihara Buddhism
Wat Buddhism
Stupa Buddhism
Pagoda Buddhism
Candi Buddhism
Thai temple art and architecture Buddhism Pilgrimage Buddhism Lumbini Buddhism
Maya Devi Temple Buddhism
Bodh Gaya Buddhism
Sarnath Buddhism
Kushinagar Buddhism Bodhi Tree Buddhism
Mahabodhi Temple Buddhism
Calendar Buddhism
Cuisine Buddhism
Vegetarianism Buddhism Miscellaneous Buddhism Lineage Buddhism
Maitreya Buddhism
Avalokiteśvara Buddhism Guanyin Buddhism Amitābha Buddhism
Brahmā Buddhism
Māra Buddhism
Comparison of the tower of Buddhism in China and Japan Buddhism
Dhammapada Buddhism
Vinaya Buddhism
Sutra Buddhism
Koliya Buddhism
Hinayana Buddhism
Liturgical languages Buddhism Pali Buddhism
Sanskrit Buddhism Dharma talk Buddhism
Kalpa Buddhism
Higher Knowledge Buddhism
Iddhi/Ṛddhi Buddhism
Siddhi Buddhism Buddhism and: Buddhism Science Buddhism
Psychology Buddhism
Hinduism Buddhism
Jainism Buddhism
East asiatic religions Buddhism
Christianity Buddhism
Theosophy Buddhism
Gnosticism Buddhism
Violence Buddhism
Western philosophy Buddhism Lists Buddhism Buddhas Buddhism
Twenty-eight Buddhas Buddhism
Bodhisattvas Buddhism
Buddhists Buddhism
Suttas Buddhism
Books Buddhism
Temples Buddhism Candi Buddhism Outline Buddhism
Portal Buddhism
Category Buddhism
Glossary Buddhism
Index Buddhism
Commons Buddhism
Buddhism by country v Buddhism
t Buddhism
e Buddhism Buddhism in Africa Buddhism Sovereign states Buddhism Algeria Buddhism
Angola Buddhism
Benin Buddhism
Botswana Buddhism
Burkina Faso Buddhism
Burundi Buddhism
Cameroon Buddhism
Cape Verde Buddhism
Central African Republic Buddhism
Chad Buddhism
Comoros Buddhism
Democratic Republic of the Congo Buddhism
Republic of the Congo Buddhism
Djibouti Buddhism
Egypt Buddhism
Equatorial Guinea Buddhism
Eritrea Buddhism
Ethiopia Buddhism
Gabon Buddhism
The Gambia Buddhism
Ghana Buddhism
Guinea Buddhism
Guinea-Bissau Buddhism
Ivory glide Buddhism
Kenya Buddhism
Lesotho Buddhism
Liberia Buddhism
Libya Buddhism
Madagascar Buddhism
Malawi Buddhism
Mali Buddhism
Mauritania Buddhism
Mauritius Buddhism
Morocco Buddhism
Mozambique Buddhism
Namibia Buddhism
Niger Buddhism
Nigeria Buddhism
Rwanda Buddhism
São Tomé and Príncipe Buddhism
Senegal Buddhism
Seychelles Buddhism
Sierra Leone Buddhism
Somalia Buddhism
South Africa Buddhism
South Sudan Buddhism
Sudan Buddhism
Swaziland Buddhism
Tanzania Buddhism
Togo Buddhism
Tunisia Buddhism
Uganda Buddhism
Zambia Buddhism
Zimbabwe Buddhism States with manipulate recognition Buddhism Sahrawi Arab antiauthoritarian Republic Buddhism
Somaliland Buddhism Dependencies Buddhism and variant territories Mayotte Buddhism / Réunion Buddhism
Saint Helena Buddhism / Ascension Island Buddhism / Tristan da Cunha Buddhism v Buddhism
t Buddhism
e Buddhism Buddhism in Asia Buddhism Sovereign states Buddhism Afghanistan Buddhism
Armenia Buddhism
Azerbaijan Buddhism
Bahrain Buddhism
Bangladesh Buddhism
Bhutan Buddhism
Brunei Buddhism
Burma Buddhism
Cambodia Buddhism
China Buddhism
Cyprus Buddhism
East Timor Buddhism
Egypt Buddhism
Georgia Buddhism
India Buddhism
Indonesia Buddhism
Iran Buddhism
Iraq Buddhism
Israel Buddhism
Japan Buddhism
Jordan Buddhism
Kazakhstan Buddhism
North Korea Buddhism
South Korea Buddhism
Kuwait Buddhism
Kyrgyzstan Buddhism
Laos Buddhism
Lebanon Buddhism
Malaysia Buddhism
Maldives Buddhism
Mongolia Buddhism
Nepal Buddhism
Oman Buddhism
Pakistan Buddhism
Philippines Buddhism
Qatar Buddhism
Russia Buddhism
Saudi Arabia Buddhism
Singapore Buddhism
Sri Lanka Buddhism
Syria Buddhism
Tajikistan Buddhism
Thailand Buddhism
Turkey Buddhism
Turkmenistan Buddhism
United Arab Emirates Buddhism
Uzbekistan Buddhism
Vietnam Buddhism
Yemen Buddhism States with manipulate recognition Buddhism Abkhazia Buddhism
Nagorno-Karabakh Buddhism
Northern Cyprus Buddhism
Palestine Buddhism
South Ossetia Buddhism
Taiwan Buddhism Dependencies Buddhism and variant territories British Indian Ocean Territory Buddhism
Christmas Island Buddhism
Cocos Islands Buddhism
Hong Kong Buddhism
Macau Buddhism v Buddhism
t Buddhism
e Buddhism Buddhism in Europe Buddhism liberate express Albania Buddhism
Andorra Buddhism
Armenia Buddhism
Austria Buddhism
Azerbaijan Buddhism
Belarus Buddhism
Belgium Buddhism
Bosnia and Herzegovina Buddhism
Bulgaria Buddhism
Croatia Buddhism
Cyprus Buddhism
Czech Republic Buddhism
Denmark Buddhism
Estonia Buddhism
Finland Buddhism
France Buddhism
Georgia Buddhism
Germany Buddhism
Greece Buddhism
Hungary Buddhism
Iceland Buddhism
Ireland Buddhism
Italy Buddhism
Kazakhstan Buddhism
Latvia Buddhism
Liechtenstein Buddhism
Lithuania Buddhism
Luxembourg Buddhism
Macedonia Buddhism
Malta Buddhism
Moldova Buddhism
Monaco Buddhism
Montenegro Buddhism
Netherlands Buddhism
Norway Buddhism
Poland Buddhism
Portugal Buddhism
Romania Buddhism
Russia Buddhism
San Marino Buddhism
Serbia Buddhism
Slovakia Buddhism
Slovenia Buddhism
Spain Buddhism
Sweden Buddhism
Switzerland Buddhism
Turkey Buddhism
Ukraine Buddhism
United Kingdom Buddhism express with manipulate recognition Abkhazia Buddhism
Kosovo Buddhism
Nagorno-Karabakh Buddhism
Northern Cyprus Buddhism
South Ossetia Buddhism
Transnistria Buddhism v Buddhism
t Buddhism
e Buddhism Buddhism in northbound America liberate express Antigua and Barbuda Buddhism
Bahamas Buddhism
Barbados Buddhism
Belize Buddhism
Canada Buddhism
Costa Rica Buddhism
Cuba Buddhism
Dominica Buddhism
Dominican Republic Buddhism
El Salvador Buddhism
Grenada Buddhism
Guatemala Buddhism
Haiti Buddhism
Honduras Buddhism
Jamaica Buddhism
Mexico Buddhism
Nicaragua Buddhism
Panama Buddhism
Saint Kitts and Nevis Buddhism
Saint Lucia Buddhism
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Buddhism
Trinidad and Tobago Buddhism
United States Buddhism Dependencies and variant territories Anguilla Buddhism
Aruba Buddhism
Bermuda Buddhism
Bonaire Buddhism
British recent Islands Buddhism
Cayman Islands Buddhism
Curaçao Buddhism
Greenland Buddhism
Guadeloupe Buddhism
Martinique Buddhism
Montserrat Buddhism
Puerto Rico Buddhism
Saint Barthélemy Buddhism
Saint Martin Buddhism
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Buddhism
Saba Buddhism
Sint Eustatius Buddhism
Sint Maarten Buddhism
Turks and Caicos Islands Buddhism
United express recent Islands Buddhism v Buddhism
t Buddhism
e Buddhism Buddhism in southbound America Sovereign states Buddhism Argentina Buddhism
Bolivia Buddhism
Brazil Buddhism
Chile Buddhism
Colombia Buddhism
Ecuador Buddhism
Guyana Buddhism
Paraguay Buddhism
Peru Buddhism
Suriname Buddhism
Uruguay Buddhism
Venezuela Buddhism Dependencies Buddhism and variant territories Falkland Islands Buddhism
French Guiana Buddhism
South Georgia and the southbound interlocked Islands Buddhism v Buddhism
t Buddhism
e Buddhism Gautama Buddha Buddhism Buddhism
Core teachings Buddhism Four august Truths Buddhism
Noble aggregate Path Buddhism
Middle Way Buddhism
sayings Buddhism Disciples Buddhism ten halfway disciples Buddhism Four sights Buddhism
Family Buddhism
Places Buddhism Lumbini Buddhism , Bodh Gaya Buddhism , Bodhi Tree Buddhism , Mahabodhi Temple Buddhism
pilgrimage sites Buddhism Miracles Buddhism
Birthday Buddhism
Prophetized Buddhism
Physical characteristics Buddhism
Death Buddhism
Relics Buddhism Cetiya Buddhism
tooth Buddhism
Footprint Buddhism Buddha statues Buddhism
Iconography Buddhism
Films Buddhism
Gautama Buddha in multinational religions Buddhism Commons Buddhism Buddhism v Buddhism
t Buddhism
e Buddhism Religion Buddhism
Major groups Buddhism Abrahamic Buddhism Bábism Buddhism Azáli Bábism Buddhism Bahá'í Faith Buddhism
Christianity Buddhism Anglicanism Buddhism
Roman Catholicism Buddhism
Old Catholicism Buddhism
Independent Catholicism Buddhism
Church of the East Buddhism
Eastern Orthodoxy Buddhism
Oriental Orthodoxy Buddhism
Protestantism Buddhism
Jehovah's Witnesses Buddhism
Mormonism Buddhism
Jesuism Buddhism Druze Buddhism
Islam Buddhism Ahmadi Buddhism
Ibadi Buddhism
Nondenominational Buddhism
Quranist Buddhism
Shia Buddhism
Sufi Buddhism
Sunni Buddhism Judaism Buddhism Conservative Buddhism
Haymanot Buddhism
Karaite Buddhism
Orthodoxy Buddhism
Reformist Buddhism Mandaeism Buddhism
Rastafari Buddhism
Samaritanism Buddhism Indo-European Indo Buddhism -Iranian Buddhism Vedic Buddhism
Hinduism Buddhism Vaishnavism Buddhism
Shaktism Buddhism
Shaivism Buddhism
Ayyavazhi Buddhism
Smartism Buddhism Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism
Theravada Buddhism
Vajrayana Buddhism Jainism Buddhism Digambara Buddhism
Śvētāmbara Buddhism Sikhism Buddhism
Yazdânism Buddhism Ishikism Buddhism
Yarsanism Buddhism Zoroastrianism Buddhism European Buddhism Armenian Buddhism
Baltic Buddhism Dievturi Buddhism
Druwi Buddhism
Romuva Buddhism Caucasian Buddhism
Celtic Buddhism Druidry Buddhism Germanic Buddhism
Hellenic Buddhism
Italian Buddhism
Romanian Buddhism
Slavic Buddhism Uralic Finnish Buddhism
Hungarian Buddhism
Uralic Buddhism Mari Buddhism
Mordvin Buddhism
Udmurt Buddhism principal and union asiatic Burkhanism Buddhism
Chuvash Buddhism
Manchu Buddhism
Mongolian Buddhism
Siberian Buddhism
Tengrism Buddhism East Asian Buddhism Confucianism Buddhism
Faism Buddhism
Taoism Buddhism
Shenism Buddhism
Wuism Buddhism
Shinto Buddhism
Muism Buddhism
Caodaism Buddhism
Đạo Mẫu Buddhism
Benzhuism Buddhism
Bimoism Buddhism
Bon Buddhism
Dongbaism Buddhism
Hmongism Buddhism
Meishanism Buddhism African Traditional Buddhism Akan Buddhism
Akamba Buddhism
Bambuti Buddhism
Baluba Buddhism
Bantu Buddhism
Berber Buddhism
Bushongo Buddhism
Cushitic Buddhism
Dinka Buddhism
Efik Buddhism
Fon and Ewe Buddhism
Guanche Buddhism
Igbo Buddhism
Isoko Buddhism
Khoisan Buddhism
Lotuko Buddhism
Lozi Buddhism
Lugbara Buddhism
Maasai Buddhism
Mbuti Buddhism
Serer Buddhism
Tumbuka Buddhism
Yoruba Buddhism
Zulu Buddhism Diasporic Buddhism Candomblé Buddhism
Kumina Buddhism
Obeah Buddhism
Quimbanda Buddhism
Palo Buddhism
Santería Buddhism
Umbanda Buddhism
Vodou Buddhism
Voodoo Buddhism
Winti Buddhism variant gangs Bathouism Buddhism
Bongthingism Buddhism
Donyi-Polo Buddhism
Dravidian Buddhism
Kiratism Buddhism
Sanamahism Buddhism
Sarnaism Buddhism
Burmese Buddhism
Satsana Phi Buddhism
Shigongism Buddhism
Malaysian Buddhism
Indonesian Buddhism
Javanism Buddhism
Aboriginal Australian Buddhism
Native American Buddhism
Mesoamerican Buddhism
Philippine Buddhism
Polynesian Buddhism Recent Buddhism Discordianism Buddhism
Eckankar Buddhism
New Age Buddhism
New Thought Buddhism
Raëlism Buddhism
Scientology Buddhism
Thelema Buddhism
Unitarian Universalism Buddhism
Wicca Buddhism
Historical religions Buddhism Prehistoric Buddhism Paleolithic Buddhism Afro-Asiatic Buddhism Egyptian Buddhism
Mesopotamian Buddhism
Semitic Buddhism Indo-European Buddhism Asia Proto-Indo-Iranian Buddhism
Armenian Buddhism
Ossetian Buddhism
Vedic Buddhism Hinduism Buddhism
Jainism Buddhism
Sikhism Buddhism Zoroastrianism Buddhism Mithraism Buddhism
Zurvanism Buddhism Gnosticism Buddhism Manichaeism Buddhism Europe Celtic Buddhism
Germanic Buddhism Anglo-Saxon Buddhism
Continental Buddhism
Norse Buddhism Greek Buddhism Gnosticism Buddhism
Neoplatonism Buddhism Manichaeism Buddhism
Balkan Buddhism
Roman Buddhism
Slavic Buddhism
Topics Aspects Apostasy Buddhism / Disaffiliation Buddhism
Behaviour Buddhism
Beliefs Buddhism
Clergy Buddhism
Conversion Buddhism
Deities Buddhism
Entheogens Buddhism
Ethnic religion Buddhism
Denomination Buddhism
Faith Buddhism
Fire Buddhism
Folk religion Buddhism
God Buddhism
Meditation Buddhism
Monasticism Buddhism monk Buddhism
nun Buddhism Mysticism Buddhism
Mythology Buddhism
Nature Buddhism
Ordination Buddhism
Orthodoxy Buddhism
Orthopraxy Buddhism
Prayer Buddhism
Religious experience Buddhism
Ritual Buddhism liturgy Buddhism
sacrifice Buddhism Spirituality Buddhism
Supernatural Buddhism
Symbols Buddhism
Truth Buddhism
Water Buddhism
Worship Buddhism Theism Buddhism Animism Buddhism
Deism Buddhism
Dualism Buddhism
Henotheism Buddhism
Monotheism Buddhism
Nontheism Buddhism
Panentheism Buddhism
Pantheism Buddhism
Polytheism Buddhism
Transtheism Buddhism Religious studies Buddhism Anthropology Buddhism
Cognitive science Buddhism
Comparative Buddhism
Development Buddhism
Evolutionary origin Buddhism
Evolutionary psychology Buddhism
History Buddhism
Philosophy Buddhism
Neurotheology Buddhism
Psychology Buddhism
Sociology Buddhism
Theology Buddhism
Theories Buddhism
Women Buddhism Religion and
society Buddhism Agriculture Buddhism
Business Buddhism
Clergy Buddhism Monasticism Buddhism
Ordination Buddhism Conversion Buddhism evangelism Buddhism
missionary Buddhism
proselytism Buddhism Education Buddhism
Fanaticism Buddhism
Freedom Buddhism pluralism Buddhism
syncretism Buddhism
toleration Buddhism
universalism Buddhism Fundamentalism Buddhism
Growth Buddhism
Happiness Buddhism
Homosexuality Buddhism
Minorities Buddhism
National church Buddhism
National religiosity levels Buddhism
Political science Buddhism
Populations Buddhism
Schism Buddhism
Science Buddhism
State Buddhism
Theocracy Buddhism
Vegetarianism Buddhism
Religiocentrism Buddhism
Violence Buddhism persecution Buddhism
terrorism Buddhism
war Buddhism Wealth Buddhism Secularism Buddhism and
irreligion Buddhism Antireligion Buddhism
Deism Buddhism
Agnosticism Buddhism
Atheism Buddhism
Criticism Buddhism
LaVeyan Satanism Buddhism
Deconstruction Buddhism
Humanistic Judaism Buddhism
Irreligion by country Buddhism
Objectivism Buddhism
Secular humanism Buddhism
Secular theology Buddhism
Secularization Buddhism
Separation of execute and state Buddhism
Unaffiliated Buddhism Overviews
and lists Buddhism Index Buddhism
Outline Buddhism
Timeline Buddhism Abrahamic prophets Buddhism
Deification Buddhism
Deities Buddhism
Founders Buddhism
Mass gatherings Buddhism
New sacred movements Buddhism
Organizations Buddhism
Religions and numinous traditions Buddhism
Scholars Buddhism Category Buddhism
Portal Buddhism | |
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